Le Cinéma de Raoul Ruiz

Exote: La filmación de La telenovela errante

exote la telenovela errante 1024x726The film documents the filming of Raúl Ruiz’s La telenovela errante, in 1990. That year, the first in democracy after the dictatorship, Ruiz came to Chile from France to make that film, which is his first feature film after a exile that began in 1973.
Directed by Pablo Martínez
Chile, 2017
Production : Gonzalo Maza, Carmen Luz Parot, Pablo Martínez.
Scénario: Pablo Martínez.
Photographie: Pablo Martínez.
Montage: Coti Donoso.Musique: Jorge Arriagada.
Son: Ignacio Cubillos.
Direction artistique: Pablo Martínez.
Production: Marhumano.